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Smith honored by assisted living community residents

We all do it, have done it, or will do it – get up, get ready, and go to our daily jobs, careers, work or whatever we happen to call it.

We know what our boss, manager, employer, superior, foreman expect of us because we know the job description, assignments, and to-do lists that have established timeframes or deadlines for completion.

Would you agree, dear readers, that this defines us as grown-ups?

We take pride in what we do each day and may even go beyond what is expected of us, without seeking praise or recognition.

We take pride in what we do each day and may even go beyond what is expected of us, without seeking praise or recognition.

Now, if a pat on the back happens, it takes us completely by surprise like it did for Brenda Smith earlier this week at Walker Place Assisted Living Community in Shelbyville because she was just doing her job. For two-and-a-half years, Smith has been doing what she enjoys and what is expected, most recently in the position of life enrichment coordinator to the residents in the senior living community on North Riley Highway.

Earlier this week through a nomination and voting process, residents selected Smith as “Employee of the Year” for 2019.

Applause filled the dining room when executive director Susan Roberts called Smith into the spotlight, made the announcement, handed her a plaque, and unveiled a congratulatory cake.

“I love my job. I love being here,” said Smith, quickly followed with this response from resident Diane Pankay, “We love you being here.”

“She gives resident activity programs that are top notch,” said Roberts. “We have extremely happy residents. It’s amazing to me. Her commitment and passion is just incredible. Brenda has faithfully done whatever needs done in addition to her job planning and coordinating activities.”

Smith’s employment positions have focused on the seniors in Shelby County for 25 years, she said, many of which were with Shelby Senior Services, Inc.

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